LSU Health New Orleans Newsroom

LSUHealthNO’s Zura Helps Address International Need


Robert Zura, MD, Professor and Chair of Orthopaedics at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, served as the course director of the 3rd Trauma Conclave in India. An international educational program of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), the course, in partnership with the Indian Orthopaedic Association, was designed to improve trauma care in India.

With a population of 1.3 billion, India is the second most populous country in the world. Traffic accidents contribute to high rates of trauma injuries and deaths there. National Crime Records indicate that one serious traffic accident happens every minute, and 16 people die every hour.

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Held in Delhi and Goa, the two-day course drew more than 400 participants in each location. It focused on treatment and infection management in upper and lower extremity fractures. Following the lectures, the Indian participants asked their American counterparts for recommendations on their cases.

“The Indian faculty presented very unique cases that we do not see in the United States,” notes Zura, who also holds the Robert D’Ambrosia Chair of Orthopaedics at LSU Health. “Their expertise in treating these cases was impressive, and I enjoyed exchanging treatment viewpoints.”

Dr. Robert Zura
The course was very well received with 95% of the participants saying they will implement what they learned in their own practices.